Wednesday 28 December 2011

Wink Up 12/11 with EITO Part2

Hi guyzs! This is the second part of the interview!
This is the *better* part. I loved the question about their reoccuring dreams. Some are too cute omg. hahaha I wanna squish them.

7. Ideally, how would a girl dress at home?

ryo: short pants and tank top. would be better to wear more in winter, so she doesn’t catch a cold! (laughs)

yasu: my sweats. cause they’re mine so they get all big and long. I like the feeling. for bottoms, sweats too. maybe hot pants.. nah its too cold for that. sweats are good.

ohkura: something fluffy, recently its become fashionable? but its ok if she’s wearing something I’m wearing, or a big t-shirt of mine is fine too. the idea of home clothes is already kinda cute, so anything’s fine I guess.

baru: there’s no such thing. anything’s fine. you’re at home already, so.. anything’s fine right? ok, maybe a rough shirt.

I don’t know what a rough shirt is, from the looks of google, it might be just a t-shirt with prints..?

maru: a white fluffy bath robe! when I was shopping I saw it, and thought it was really cute! If I had a girlfriend I’d buy it for her~ I thought (laughs). but just a normal t-shirt would do.. she can wear my shirt. that’s every guy’s fantasy y’know (laughs).

yoko: anything’s fine. its ok if she remains in clothes that she just came home in too. I’m not the kind who wants to be very manly or anything.. so I don’t see whats so nice about a girl in biggish jerseys or t-shirts..

hina: sweater or t-shirts.. anything’s fine. I don’t like frilly stuff.. shirts that are biggish are good too. something like, I have too much of those shirts and I give her some to wear.

8. How should she wear her hair while dressed like that?

ryo: if she has long hair, it should all be gathered up at the top of her head. but then again, anything is fine. any length is fine too.

yasu: my image right? she’s wearing my sweats, and have just gotten out of the bath. so she has an after-bath look with her hair all wet. i want to see her before she dries her hair (laughs). while she’s drying her hair I’ll be sitting beside her and disturbing her. and I want to be told off ‘stop it already!’ (laughs)

ohkura: tied up is good. something that’s different from usual. something that you can’t see outside!

baru: anything’s fine. just the way she likes it is fine..

maru: pony tail or bunned up.. in other words, she has long hair.. I like long black hair..

yoko: anything that suits her. or all tied up together’s good. I like it like that..

hina: tied up is good.. truthfully hairstyle doesn’t make my heart race or anything. I think, I don’t actually notice their hair too much. fashion and stuff, I don’t know any of that. and I’m not the sort that will notice if she cuts her hair. I have a theory, well its just something I came up with, guys who notice when his girlfriend changed her hairstyle or make up are also guys who totally look at other girl~ that’s just what I think.

9. Where do you go when you need to concentrate and think about stuff?

ryo: as long as I’m alone, anywhere’s fine. actually even if I’m not alone I’ll be able to do it? but concentration and attention are the two things I don’t have (laughs).

yasu: I am most concentrated when I get into unconsciously, so the place doesn’t matter.

ohkura: I concentrate well when I’m on the shinkansen. you’re just waiting to reach your destination and there’s nothing much to do..

baru: the place where I think is just any place where I’m thinking. anywhere’s fine.. at home is alright too.

maru: I don’t think about stuff (laughs). if its things like remembering scripts.. I do it in my bedroom. the time before I sleep is my best time for remembering stuff. there are times when I do it when I’m just slacking around in the living room too. me, I’m bad at memorising, so during ‘Gilbert Grape’ I was going around asking people ‘how do you memorise lines??’ and they said ‘足の裹から覚える’, so that’s what I’ve been trying.

ok I’m pretty sure its some saying? I can’t find the meaning anywhere… if anyone understands, please help me out. thanks!

yoko: at home. small rooms are good. at home there’s lots of items I like places there.. stuff like figures (action figures) and my laptop.. there’s a table too. so its good for thinking. I wonder if I do as well in big places..?

hina: I’ll go to a café. when I’m at home, my thoughts are all over the place, and I can’t think properly about things like concerts.. a café with 2 levels (laughs). I will sit and think at the space on level 1.

10. Do you check your phone often when you’re at home?

ryo: I do when it rings, if not, not at all. but of course when I need to use it I’ll have to check it.

yasu: yeah I do! I play games and stuff so.

ohkura: I do, when it rings. when i’m not using it, I don’t tend to look at it much.

baru: I don’t.. I don’t really notice my phone. there was once, I left my phone at home and went for a location shoot.. when I did, I was like ‘oh craaaap’ but we were already at the airport, so there’s nothing I can do. the shoot was 3 days.. I borrowed yoko’s phone 2, 3 times during the shoot..

yoko: I don’t.. at home or outside, I don’t look at it much.

hina: I don’t.. very often when I change into my home clothes I just leave my phone in the pocket of my clothes and forget all about it.

gotta give hina a high five here!

11. Lying on your bed before sleeping, what are in your thoughts?

ryo: nothingnothingnothing. my bed room is really just for sleeping so I usually fall asleep straight away. there are times when I can’t sleep.. in those situations I’ll just go to my living room. I give up on trying to fall asleep.

yasu: I put on abit of fragrance before I sleep, so I’ll be thinking ‘ah what a nice smell~’. i like something sweet smelling, something that suits the aroma of my bath salt! I put it all over my body and it gets onto my futon too.

my conclusion: yasu is damnn diva & living room is not for ryo *grin*

ohkura: I wonder what…? I think about things.. but I can’t really recall what they are! they’re just random ideas there’s no organised thought whatsoever.

baru: i’m bad at sleeping.. when I’m finally nodding off, I think.. ah finally.. I can’t think of fun thoughts, I’m just gonna become more awake! and then I’ll take even longer to fall asleep..

maru: I don’t really think of anything.. but in my mind the songs I usually listen to is playing.. recently its been the songs in our album. cause I’ve been thinking about them before I sleep, when I wake up they’re the first thing that enter my mind.

yoko: I read manga, and then get sleepy and go to sleep. I don’t think I can fall asleep without reading manga.. even during tours I’ll go buy them so I can read before I sleep.

hina: before I sleep, I adjust my pillow.. read my book. when I think I’m about to sleep I keep my book and turn off the AC, and fall asleep pretty soon after. I fall asleep quick, so it happens before I can think of anything. sometimes I have strong thoughts like, if I work hard tomorrow, next week I can go play futsal~ and it gets me all excited. I think only about happy stuff like that.

12. Dream that you have often?

ryo: the ones I remember are.. “I went and got a piercing!”~ I think that, in my dream. its not like I really want to get a piercing in real life though? I have a repetitive dream.. I dream about that a lot. after I fall asleep, my eyes snap open. and suddenly I’m surrounded by about 10 old men and women I don’t know. they’re all carrying candles and peering at me. this dream comes often when I’m in a bad condition. once I went to search about dream meanings online. and under the keyword ‘candles’ it says that dreaming of candles means your end is approaching (laughs). if its not lighted then its totally fine. but if its lighted that means its bad. mine is totally lighted. I learnt a lot from my dream (laughs).

AW RYO. I feel sorry for him. I get terrible dreams when I’m stressed out too. But, Ryo don't you die early then I am >_< *evil laugh*

yasu: frankly, there’s none. I’m sure I dream but I can’t remember any of it. when I was little, I dreamt often about a bomb exploding where I was standing. rocks will be falling and everything. but we’re all unhurt by the bomb.. speaking of which, I think I dreamt about something like that recently.

ohkura: there’s a battle going on, but I seem to have no strength at all. it’s a pretty realistic dream, so there are no monsters and such. the opponent are humans but I seem to have no strength at all, so its turning out all wrong. I will wake up feeling all heavy.. I dream about this often when I’m tired. when I have this dream I can’t get out of bed well..

baru: eeeh… I don’t know. I dream but I mostly don’t remember them. there are times when I cry in dreams, and I wake up still crying. it leaves me feeling bad and all..

that happens to me too, I know what baru means totally.

maru: I don’t remember the contents much. once in a while I do have bad dreams. a lot are pretty realistic, like as if its something that actually happened the day before, so on the car I’ll talk about them to our manager.

yoko: I don’t have those that repeat.. but the other day I dreamt that I went out with yasu. while we were walking, yasu was eating a frog (laughs). I saw it and was telling him to stop, but he refused to. he got angry, and told me off ‘let me do what I like!’. ah 2-3 years back I used to dream quite often that I was at war with shampoo man. (some kind of manga XDD yoko *ruffles hair*)

hina: I dream often about becoming a national soccer player for japan.. I don’t remember who were my team mates but I have on an amazing uniform. and I’m always the midfielder (I don’t play soccer, but if I’m not wrong, midfielders is one of the most important positions, Messi’s a midfielder! so in Ronaldo, and Gerrard). and then, I make a good pass! and because I’m so happy I laugh really loudly! and then, in real life, I get awaken by my own laughter (laughs)



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